The amazing life of the cookie cutter shark

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Facts about the cookie cutter shark

The cookie cutter shark is a small animal  that has big teeth. The teeth that it has help him  or her to eat. If you see it's eyes are realy big and it's body is so small.The name cookie cutter shark comes from the way it eats it's prey it lives  a cookie cutter shape behinde.The shark lives in the dip sea like 11,500 feet.In the night it swims all the way to the top and get's it's prey. They have been spoted the Pacific Oceanaand allso other places.

Interesting things about the cookie cutter shark

Did you know when the cookie cutter shark dies it's belly glows in the dark. The cookie cutter shark is half of sealion and the other half is shark. When the cookie cutter shark is next to a person it is realy small. To know the diffrent betwin a female and a male is the female is 15-17 long and the male is 12-14.5.

This is the teeth of the cookie cutter shark

The picture that you see on the top is the cookie cutter shark. Can you see how big the eye's are.

    What cookie cutter shark eat.

    The cookie cutter shark eats meat.It eat other fishes they also eat other sharks. They like to eat but it is hard for it somtime even if they are fast. If you see an animal that hase a hole like the picture on the side it was from a cookie cutter shrak.